October 16, 2017

Ranking Member Walz Statement Following Legislative Hearing On VA Capital Asset Review

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ranking Member Tim Walz (D-MN) released the following statement after the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a legislative hearing on draft legislation, the Asset and Infrastructure Review Act of 2017:

“Providing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary with the authority and support he needs to assess and ultimately realign VA’s physical infrastructure is one of this Committee’s top priorities, however, the highest of priorities within this Committee is ensuring veterans have access to and receive the highest quality VA-services possible,” Rep. Walz said. “No one disagrees that VA needs to modernize its own infrastructure and build community partners where it makes the most sense for the veterans and for tax payers. I just don’t see this legislation achieving these goals.”

“As written, this legislation will take a picture, a snapshot in time, of VA’s infrastructure and make a decision on how VA health care will be delivered for decades to come. We don’t need a one-time snapshot, we need to develop a comprehensive process that VA can use continually to make decisions on an annual basis to ensure access gaps are identified and filled early. I am also very skeptical of the claims that this legislation will provide a significant cost savings.”

“While we all agree that the status quo is not the answer, I deeply believe that this BRAC style proposal is not the answer either. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate your leadership and guidance as we continue to move ahead, but I ask for your serious consideration of the issues that I, my colleagues, and the witnesses express in today’s legislative hearing.”
